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Haunting Scottish winks


UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 6 May 2015 | Views [86] | Scholarship Entry

It was raining when I left the airport. A grey rainy day of August came announcing a new experience, and after four hours of travelling by bus and train I arrived at the door of the castle.
An old woman with two dogs at her sides opend it. It was already late night, but she welcomed me and showed me around the house.
Scotland appeared naked to me to show me how it really is in the middle of the night, when only the stars illuminate that scenario surrounded just by the green stage of a lush forest. And the light coming from the windows made me think of my new ife in that cozy and wonderful castle which was at the same time a Bed and Breakfast by the name of Cambo Estate.
The next morning I was supposed to be working in the garden.
And there I was the following day, when the gardening man rang the bell announcing the tea break, introducing myself to all the international volunteers, who like me, moved away to learn a bit more of English, but especially to try a new experiene that they could remember forever.
One can think that working in the garden removing weed or taking out potatoes is a hard and exhausting work, but everything was worth it. And once you found yourself surrounded by the beautiful flowers, smelling the scent of the wet grass, hearing the wind moving the leaves and laughing with people from many different countries as you heard their funny stories, you had the feeling that there was no better summer work than that.
We all became a team and could visit the nearest and fardest twons from our place. Crail, St Andrews, Stirling and even the Loch Ness showed up like a dream facing our eyes.
In my last two days we could wander around the streets of the rich and famous city of Edinburgh, a city for those who like to daydream, to delude themselves by trivial things, those who love nature, and who breath the romanticism of knowing that a moment is infinite, because what we have seen, what we have walked, has been recorded in our dna, being forever a part of us.
This last journey taught me how important is travelling, because it is not about visiting museums, buildings or landscapes, it is by some instants to become part of them.
In that way I became Edinburgh. I was its botanic garden, its amazing castle at the top of the mountain, its museums, its cathedral, its streets, its bars and its corners where you could get lost and be found.
I can say that somhow am still Scotland because even if I wanted I couldn't forget how wonderful it was.

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

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