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The Mystical Adventures of Tess and Jack

The rest of India

Some temple...

INDIA | Wednesday, 18 January 2012 | Views [409] | Comments [2]

Some temple...



Thanks again for a wonderful tour!! You both are creating such lovley memories... oh, and enjoying the NOW too!! LOL...

My best friend and her hubby are heading to India in April for 17days... she might enjoy seeing your photos.. not sure if you share this site to friends of friends... if not , no worries..

Are you bringing home a bunch of treasures of India..to highten the story sharing?
what fun.
Hugs, Leslie

  Leslie Sinclair Jan 22, 2012 7:47 AM


Hi Leslie! Glad you have enjoyed our blog to date. Please feel free to share the link with anyone you please. We did get some very fun shopping in India done and sent a huge package home - no idea when it will get there. We are in the Philippines now and it is absolutely beautiful (and much much cleaner than India!). Thanks for your nice comment. xo

  tessa86 Jan 24, 2012 6:36 PM