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Zim: It's like plugging that green earth-wire in.

ZIMBABWE | Thursday, 7 July 2011 | Views [1323]

Hello from freezing cold Zimbabwe!

It’s been a while, sorry folks, has been almost 2 months since I last wrote, apologies for that, just been busy and having way too much fun! ;) Lots has been happening since we last spoke, I have been working hard at Honeybear, the bar/restaurant round the corner from my place 3 days a week, and also working with some others on the redesign of the Zambezi Society website and logo soon to be released (hopefully!) Have been making a lot of money (although lately I’ve been a bit naughty and have been spending rather a lot) and have also therefore been having awesome times back here in H-town! I have made so many new friends it is unbelievable, especially those who work at Honeybear and their friends. Working in the coolest bar in town also means I get to catch up with all the regulars at work, which is always nice or amusing depending on how late in the night it is :P

One of the best friends I have made is my manager here at Honeybear, an awesome chick, tiny as anything but as fiery as a stick of dynamite! Have made good friends with all her friends and have spent a lot of time with them which has been great fun! Also my amazing partners in crime behind the bar, you know who you are ;) You are so much fun and I love you! You and all your crazy crazy red-head and (gorgeous) Irish sidekicks… how does one family produce two such beautiful people?! ;) Then there’s the (in his words as he just wants to be famous): "sexy bar owner with a sweet heart of gold..." But seriously, too selfless for his own good, and kind to everyone; so much so that it’s almost to his own detriment. Funny as hell though so it’s all good.

Have also had the chance to catch up with previous friends who are back in town who I haven’t seen in literally, years! Last night was able to have some drinks with 3 very good friends who I haven’t spoken to properly in atleast 6 years! So that was fantastic, and always a pleasure to see people you used to know so well :)

But the thing about Zimbos is this: they are REAL people! None of that false crap that so many people I’ve met before in my life tend to put on. No, these friends I have made are all genuine zimbos, hearts of gold and have stuck it out here and made a life for themselves! It’s very inspiring how people have persevered in this country, they haven’t run away like they used to 6 years ago when I lived here before, but instead they have done what all zimbos are famous for and have ‘make a plan’ for themselves, and as a result many people are very very successful here still! It is such a relief to see a country like this (which was once shattered to pieces, and not many people thought it would ever pick itself back up,) but it has, and it is wondrous and inspirational to see the lives people have made for themselves here regardless of the difficult circumstances here over the last 10 years.

So it has been this that has made the last 2 months here in Zim both such a surprise, but also such a fantastic time! The other thing I marvel about the people here is that they truly love their country inside and out, and they will take time to enjoy everything it has to offer, even if it is an afternoon trip to Wild Geese lodge for a grand total of 3 hours, where we set up a skottle braii, threw some steak onto it, put our fishing rods into the ‘lake’ that was really just a large muddy puddle, grabbed the cooler box, popped open a Castle Lite and enjoyed the sound of African bush, even for just a second before we had to go back to work. And you know what, with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, even to drive out there where there is nothing but bush and a little wildlife, it is worth it even for an hour or two. It is an instant relaxant, a form of meditation unlike anything else, and you know what, it brings us back down to earth again, and grounds us all over again, which to me, is worth more than any holiday destination in the world.

… Speaking of holiday destinations…

I found out about a week ago that my preliminary work permits for Mauritius have been approved, and now I just have to wait for about another month to make sure that my actual work permit is completely approved and get the paperwork. WOOO! So I have booked my flights (tentatively incase I do need to postpone them if something goes wrong) and am flying out of here on the 23rd of August; 7 weeks today for Island Paradise for 6 months! HOORAY!

Now just to save up enough money to keep me going for that long over there volunteering for the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation. VERY excited as you can imagine, and I can’t wait to get there and do what I love best; work with lizards again! Also excited to escape this winter and get to a nice warm tropical island ;)

On that note, I shall make myself a hot cup of tea and put a movie on, in bed, and enjoy my last night off before very busy weekend behind the bar :)

Missing Aus very much, and to all my friends and family there, love and hugs to you all!

Missing my Cayman friends very much too, got a little teary re-reading earlier blog posts, we had so much fun!!! :)

In short, I am loving being back in Zimbabwe, and being able to call it home once again, it is an experience I am really glad I got to have, it’s so nice to have zim blood running through my veins again. Where I go next, after Mauritius, is still a mystery to me… I want to return to Brisbane and do Post grad, but I am not sure if that will happen straight away, I do kinda like the nomadic lifestyle I have made for myself ;)

Lots of love, and miss you all.

Melissa xoxox



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