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Adventures of the Fittons

Sunday 9th of October 11, Unawatuna-Kandy

SRI LANKA | Sunday, 9 October 2011 | Views [1215]

Unawatuna lives up to the postcards we've seen of it. And also to the discription in the lonely planet that in some places they did build the restaurants almost in the water and there is no beach left. But as it is so hot during the day you are soaked with sweat in a few minutes when you stay in the sun, we don't really spend much time there anyway.

And then there is the situation of Grahams feet as well. He got some small cuts on this feet and ankle and they got a bit infected. This didn't hold him back from the last two days of good surfing in Arugam Bay though, which didn't help matters, besides that, resting for a couple of days is not really in his vocabulary, neither is beeing a good patient. Resulting in him having an ankle like an elephant by now. But at least that got him convinced he does need to rest and keep his leg up. And I have to say, it does start to look better now.

Unawatuna had lot of nice shops, with pretty woodcarvings, jewelery and cloths. I have a long shawl made for myself out of a sarie which I can wear when on the streets, to cover up a bit. Not that I'm dressed that scandalous, but the men do like to undress you with their eyes in this country, which does get on my nerves a bit, especially when Grom is not around.

We go for a day trip to Galle, which is not nearly as nice as the guidebook wants us to believe, but the last supper we have with Ronan and Marlies before they go home is really nice. They have their seafood layed out for us so I can hand pick the crab I want to eat, as the huge prawns, the size of lobsters win Graham and Ronan over.

The day before we leave we take a cooking class with Karuna. She takes us to the local market and shows us to make 7 different curry's and coconut rotties. We all sit down together and eat what we cooked, which turns out very tasty. I can't wait to try this at home as it seems very easy.

As I sit on our balcony overlooking the lake of Kandy and listen to the calming song in the distance I'm happy we arrived once more. We got up early for a three hour bus ride, the deluxe, AC version, thank god. Once again I amaze myself with the driving capability's of the people here. Or should I say the lack of them. They seem to be the inventer of a non visible extra lane in the middle of the road. And are famous for the manoeuvre Graham likes to call: overtake the overtaker.

We arrive safely and jump on the train to Kandy. After we take off, it takes me 15 minutes to realise that this is not the train getting on to speed while leaving the station, it is the actual speed with which we will travel. At least you have enough time to enjoy the scenary, which especially in the hill country is very nice.

Unfortunately our peaceful journey gets a bit of a bitter after taste as a guy rips off a golden necklace from the girl who is sitting across from the alleyway from us, before jumping off the moving train (this seems brave, but it says more about the mere speed of the train). It happens so fast that I can't even see who it is as he jumps out. The poor girl crys here eye's out as everyone gatter around here, but can't do a thing. The dude had been hanging around us the whole journey and looking back at it he must have been after us, but thank god he had'nt seen an opportunity to grab a bag and jump of. I feel really bad as he did see a good target in the girl though.

The welcome we get in Mcleods Inn is very warm which does make up a lot, as does the amazing view and the tea the owner makes for us. Even though there is nothing Scottish here but the name. So we will just have to drink our tea and relax and unwind from the long day of travelling.



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