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ebrahim mohamed

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Egypt | Friday, July 5, 2013 | 5 photos

A picture is worth a thousand words. This empty gesture has become hugely important in the Egyptian revolution. Pictures can be full of truth or deceitful, staged to manipulate the reality. Through my pictures, I want to get closer to the truth.

The aspect of revealing reality in travel photography. To me, it’s the most immediate form of photography, the most direct reproduction of reality. This is where I see the connection between my aesthetics and the field of travel photography which I want to explore.

Going to Greenland will be an extreme challenge, physically and mentally. I’ve been trying to document the Egyptian revolution, which took me to similar extremes: I was attacked twice by the police while taking pictures. I know that one has to take risks when trying to get the perfect shot. It’s the challenge to assess yourself to decide how far you can go, being reasonable while also crossing lines.

I saved up money since high school to buy my camera. I invested a lot but never had someone to learn from. This is why having Mr. Edwards as my mentor is what I’m looking forward to the most.

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