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About drd47r

I am the only me

That will ever be

I will paint you a picture

With words you will see

In your minds’ eye so vividly

The Amazon Jungle with

The brightest bird in a tree

The Sahara Desert with pyramids

On the horizon

Totally off the grid

There is no Verizon

The Boundless Waters

Of all the seas

You will swear you were there

A story for your daughters

The Nuunau Pali Lookout

On the Island of O’ahu

You will sway in the breeze

I will bring you to your knees

So where are you

Do you even know

You have just been schooled

Move to the back row

Do you not see

I am the only me

That will ever be

So I have to paint the picture fluently

5/19/2015 11:07 PM

My Travel Map: