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Vermont's Intrinsic Beauty

My Photo scholarship 2011 entry

I am currently a student at the University of Vermont, I am double majoring in Studio Art: Photography and History: Americas. I am going to a sophomore during the 2011-2012 school year. I have had photos published in the UVM Reslife brochure, I won the Fred Kent Photography Award during my senior year in high school for my excellence in and love for photography and creativity within photography. I have sent photos to Vermont Life Magazine, I have some of my photos used in my High School Senior Year Book. I frequently take nature walks in my woods around my house in Vermont capturing the wildlife and beauty of nature. I have a Nikon D5000 with a 35-55mm lens, 55-200mm lens and a 55-300mm lens. I am very passionate about my photography, I give photos as gifts for family and friends and I hope to start selling my prints locally.
I have never left the United States apart from visiting Canada and this opportunity gives me a chance to expand my knowledge of photography and the world. My dream is when I graduate from college is to pursue a life photography and my hope and dream is to one day work for National Geography as a photographer and as a historian. The trip to South Africa will give my hands on experience with a top of the line photographer, one of which works for the greatest magazines in the world for history information and world renowned photos and photographers. Not only will I learn for the best in the photography industry, but I will get the chance to see what National Geographic Photographers do on a day to day basis and how they go about performing their jobs.
This opportunity is one that I can't pass up, this will give me a chance to experience my dream job and actually live the life of a National Geographic Photographer.

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