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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

India | Saturday, June 8, 2013 | 5 photos

I am a Wildlife management professional. My jobis to supersviseand guide management of 10 national parksand 25 sanctuariesin the stste of Madhaya PradeshinIndia. Wildlifeand wildlandsare capitivating.I always wonder why humans believe that planet earth was created by god for humans only. Wildanimals were here for billions of years before MAN evolved on earth but humans have encroached on wild habitatsand plundered the earth resourcesat the cost of the original denizens. Exapansion of human habitatsinto wildernessand diversion of wildlands for meeting demands of 'development' to meed human needsand greed have marginalised wildlifeand they now live on reservation that we call Protectedareas - national parksand sanctuaries. My photographs depict some rareand endangeredanimals from some of these resereves where teams of dedicated professionalare trying very hard to provide these wildanimalsa safeand secure home. WhetherI win or lose this contestisimmeterialas longasI am able to sendacrossa strong message toall my bretheren - 'Remember Mother Earth belongs toall gods creations- love themand let them live.Amen.

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