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RINCON DEL MAR_Mar Caribe Colombiano

Colombia | Sunday, October 17, 2010 | 5 photos

Rincon Del Mar is a little community of fishermen on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. There live the antique customs of the inhabitants, descendants of Africa, who conserve the music, games, oral traditions, and fishing methods of their past in spite of tourism and the growing influence of the whites in the culture. Life and death are part of everything. Celebrations are made for both life and death. The drums accompany a goodbye to an old woman. Her family, friends, and all the community sing, dance, smile, and cry to be with her on her final journey. From behind my lens, I was also with her. My camera, not only recording the actions, but also capturing the goodbye, and the deep feelings of her departure, her absence. It captured the essence of life-death. Photography allows me to become closer to the community, places, and cultures in a very intimate way. To discover deep sensations and emotions in every moment is an exchange of information, of feelings, of energy. Photography not only captures the moment, but also the essence. It is my form of expression from behind realities. That is how every trip, every photo, allows me to open my horizons and share them with all who see my photos. To travel to Bhutan in the company of a professional photographer would be a once in a lifetime experience and opportunity for me.

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