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My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Hello guys!

I'm a 26years old sporty&friendly girl, originally from Germany and I would love to spend the time in Bhutan assisting Jason Edwards! I 've never been to Asia but I always wanted to go there. With your scholarship a real life dream would come true.

My photos I 've taken in an Aquarium- there were a really interesting atmosphere which I tried to catch with my camera. All the animals seemed so unreal behind the glasses, like in prison.

I love the National Geographic Magazine and your reports from all over the world makes me jealous not to be with you on all that unbelievable places.

It would be a great honour to work with one of you and I'm sure I 'll be a hard working assistent. Me and my photographic soul would be soo pretty happy if we get the chance to come with Jason Edwards to Bhutan.

I' ve lived for half a year in Hungary (2008/09), stayed for three months in France (2004), visited Paris, New York, Sydney and in generell many places in Europe- living now in Melbourne. I really would like to discover such a special place in the east of Asia and learn from a photographer like Edwards.

If I 'll get the scholarship I would give you a big hug and say 1million times thank you! I'm sure that you won't regret it if you 'll choose me : )

And for the perfect english reports I'll ve to do for the website I 'll let a friend correct them before I send it to you ;-)

Please let me be a part of this big adventure!
Best wishes from me to you!
Your german girl

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