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green land scholarship

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

China | Thursday, July 4, 2013 | 5 photos

Dear Jason,

Sun and beaches are really for the people who wants to be bored.

I am a 26 years old Belgian and I have a degree in photography from the Art School of Brussels.

I have travelled in China during winter for 3 months, I went to Iceland and I am hoping to go to Alaska. Yet, Greenland would be the peak of my attraction for those rough and astonishing places.

This is a country, the most polar, with its population, a minority ethnic, facing the global modernization.
All those aspects are forming a hole so interesting for a photographic project.

I would like that my pictures make people think and imagine instead of letting the spectators considering that this picture is only a beautiful picture.

As a photographer, I am really interested in minimal and purified from sophistication societies and pictures and that is one of the reasons why I prefer not to do only beautiful pictures but good pictures.
Greenland is the perfect opportunity to show my capacity of doing it.

Best regards,

Thibaud Janssen

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