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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Sri Lanka | Friday, July 5, 2013 | flickr photos

Shooting for me is a form of art , which is about capturing subtle details and expressing your perspective of what may be. Over the years,
Photography has become a part of me.
I am Poorvi from Mangalore, a costal city in southern India.I am at a point in life where I am getting used to introducing myself as an architect since I just completed my bachelor’s in architecture a few weeks back.Currently I’m at an intermediate stage where I’m figuring out my best sub discipline. I have been spending my time rewinding, spending time with family and friends, catching up on my hobbies and staring into nothingness. I plan to continue this routine for a couple of months before I get back to the grind as a professional.I never had a chance to get professionally trained in photography since I was tangled up with architecture but I believe it is never too late and here, this is my chance.

About 18 months back, I did a short stint in Sri Lanka where I was doing my architectural internship for 5 months and that’s when I managed to do some travel photography. I must say those were the happiest few months of my life.

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