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Faces of the East African Rift Valley

Responsibilty - Armed with their spears and sticks these young Masai Layonis(uncircumcised warriors) are charged with a very important job, to tend  to their cattle,goats and sheep. They will spend months alone on the East African Rift Valley floor always on guard over their animals. It is a big burden to bear for such youth.

TANZANIA | Saturday, 12 January 2013 | Views [402] | View Smaller Image

Responsibilty - Armed with their spears and sticks these young Masai Layonis(uncircumcised warriors) are charged with a very important job, to tend to their cattle,goats and sheep. They will spend months alone on the East African Rift Valley floor always on guard over their animals. It is a big burden to bear for such youth.


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