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life is beautiful

A picture was taken last year at

VIETNAM | Monday, 14 January 2013 | Views [382] | View Smaller Image

A picture was taken last year at "Ancient Stone" in Cao Bang, Viet Nam A picture was taken in the summer of last year. I had a trip to a place called "Ancient Stone" in Cao Bang, Vietnam. On the way down there, I met many ethnic children, I do not know what they are ethnic ? They can origin form Hmong or Dzao. My deepest impression about them is glittering dress patterns like butterfly wings on long roads. Appear small girls, grandmothers, and mothers carrying small children. This is probably the best picture of my last summer i could see. The little girl led me to the "Ancient Stone" . We were talking and then, a little girl gave me a horse made by leaves. This is a cute gift. She said: "it will bring good luck to you" - It is a special gift from a special person although it is not known. I was very happy to receive the gift until several days later. There are those that we can only see one single time in my life.

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