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A Slice of Everyday Life in Italy and Switzerland

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

USA | Thursday, July 4, 2013 | 5 photos

I live for travel; every part of it is an adventure for me. For me, the best stories, experiences, and photographs are created from traveling.There is nothing more rewarding (and sometimes amusing) from being stuck in a city you didn't plan on going to in Italy because your pilot decided off-the-cusp that he didn't feel like landing at the designated airport (I'll be more than happy to disclose the details to this if you ask). Those events allow a person and especially photographers to connect with the place they are visiting, therefore allowing them to create photographs that honestly represent it.

When I explore a place to photograph, I look for slices of everyday life. Heck, my research focus in my studies as a history student involve everyday life. I try and avoid photographing the clichés many people hold on a culture and strive to represent it more realistically. In the included set of photographs, you will see what attracts my eye. In my photographs, I look for people who express emotion and interact (sometimes unknowingly) with the beautiful scenery around them. My passion is understanding varying cultures by journalistically documenting everyday life.

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