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Life After the Taliban

An entire Muslim family attending the weekly Friday prayers at the Blue Mosque in Mazar-e Sharif. 
Although Taliban laws dictating that women must mandatorily wear the characteristic chadri in public are no longer enforced, women still continue to wear it. Similarly, women can easily be spotten walking behind the husband, just like it was required by the Taliban - back then with a strict rule of no less than 5 meter behind the man.

AFGHANISTAN | Thursday, 20 December 2012 | Views [1873] | View Smaller Image

An entire Muslim family attending the weekly Friday prayers at the Blue Mosque in Mazar-e Sharif. Although Taliban laws dictating that women must mandatorily wear the characteristic chadri in public are no longer enforced, women still continue to wear it. Similarly, women can easily be spotten walking behind the husband, just like it was required by the Taliban - back then with a strict rule of no less than 5 meter behind the man.

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