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Mike's Journal

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Dominica | Saturday, July 6, 2013 | 5 photos

I don’t know if it is a result of having to bridge the communication issues that accompany living in a multicultural household or growing up in different countries, but listening and explaining is something that’s always come easily to me.
The sense of divine beauty and sanctity that I see as inherent in the earth and the human spirit guide me in everything I do; I think they are among the prime contributors to making life worthwhile, and so this is the primary message I want to communicate to the world. Photography, more than any other medium, has the power to illustrate this raw life force.
I honestly enjoy talking about social equality and civic responsibility just as much as I also love to play football, go to the beach, or enjoy the nightlife, and I believe that being comfortable in these different realms combined with a natural curiosity drives me to jump into new situations yet have an awareness to understand them in the larger scheme. My dream is to travel around the world and document the stories of all the different people, terrains, and animals that seamlessly come together to form life on earth, hopefully inspiring others to appreciate the world a little bit more.

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