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Miles Away Hola, I'm Miles. Often Miles away from home. Here are some of my tales and photographs.

Miles' 2010 Scholarship Gallery | Moments by Water

Worldwide | Sunday, October 17, 2010 | 5 photos

Firstly, my images. The place is: by water and there are 5 different ways of water: a glacier, a sound, a lake, a waterfall and a creek. More about them in a moment.

Now me. Last week I was on the palate of a forklift shooting an aerial shot of a pot plant warehouse for low budget TVC. I thought to myself, perhaps this isn't really what I want to do.

Hi, I'm Miles. I'm a cinematographer from South Australia. Don't worry it's not all low budget TVC's, but sometimes I need an escape from shooting moving images of manufactured moments.

Travel photography for me is that escape: it's about real moments and single stills. I love witnessing those beats in time. And sometimes I love the challenge of capturing those beats. Not always a direct representation, but thinking about what the place and moment means to me and capturing it. I think it's more than 'slow shutter speed for a busy place' type approach but looking at lighting, composition and framing amongst all those other things. The same way I approach shooting a scene in a film.

My waterfall shot - It's rare to see those falls like that and to me the moment was one of utter solace and undisturbed tranquility. It felt like night time. So I waited a little while and lit the entire scene with a little mag light torch over 45 seconds at night.

I want my photography to excel. I'm no pro and the opportunity to
receive professional training & mentorship, take a truly intrepid experience and have an inspiring place to document and have an avenue to show my images beyond the mentorship is simply amazing.

It's just like the predictable act II of a short film I shot recently. The opportunity emerges and enter WorldNomads Scholarship to the room. It's perfect!

About miles

It's refreshing to have water in creeks in the Australian desert.

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