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An Indian Encounter

When jetlag made our sleep impossible, we tagged along as a friend took a 5am tour in Varanasi, India of the ghats. The city was just waking up and yet, each junction was energetic as people headed to work or children to school. Our guide walked us through the street, nonchalantly ignoring the speeding rickshaws flying past us. It was our first day in India and the strangeness was overwhelming. This picture was taken atop a looking out point near the burning ghat. I was so stunned by all that I had seen in half an hour that I barely noticed the two goats staring me down.

INDIA | Friday, 5 July 2013 | Views [485] | View Smaller Image

When jetlag made our sleep impossible, we tagged along as a friend took a 5am tour in Varanasi, India of the ghats. The city was just waking up and yet, each junction was energetic as people headed to work or children to school. Our guide walked us through the street, nonchalantly ignoring the speeding rickshaws flying past us. It was our first day in India and the strangeness was overwhelming. This picture was taken atop a looking out point near the burning ghat. I was so stunned by all that I had seen in half an hour that I barely noticed the two goats staring me down.

Tags: #india #varanasi #goat #early morning

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