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Kites through heaven. Someone keeps adding hundreds kites on the thread until himself even can not see the end of his kite. Soaring up the sky, these colorful kites look like beads woven in the sky, wriggle in the wind.

SINGAPORE | Sunday, 6 January 2013 | Views [359] | Comments [1] | View Smaller Image

Kites through heaven. Someone keeps adding hundreds kites on the thread until himself even can not see the end of his kite. Soaring up the sky, these colorful kites look like beads woven in the sky, wriggle in the wind.


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Kites through heaven. Someone keeps adding hundreds kites on the thread until himself even can not see the end of his kite. Soaring up the sky, these colorful kites look like beads woven in the sky, wriggle in the wind.

  marinabarragesingapore Jan 6, 2013 3:34 AM