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INDIA: Obliteration V Contemplation

My Scholarship entry - Piha, a place to settle your soul.

New Zealand | Saturday, November 22, 2014 | 5 photos

I am a seeker of truth and color. Enticed by the rogue, vagabond, journey; bound by only minimal luggage and an open mindset. I have been formatting my journey of photography since the age of 15, but I believe the cities beyond mine are where cultural observation and growth truly lies. I trust my instinct and my taste, I understand that with time, patience, dedication and practice my art will evolve into my vision. National Geographics excites me. The opportunity to create and explore along side the industries best is one I would fully nurture. Each entrant here is most deserving of your time and consideration and with that I am simply pleased to share my images and words, inspired by the black sand landscapes of Piha, New Zealand.

Imagine all that is still, subtle, & succulent. Fresh air that bites at your nose.
The richest of landscapes, mountain ranges, rolling hills; all which is drenched by water, earth, sea, & sky.
There is something about nature that will interrogate your soul & leave you feeling hopelessly small.
Whatungarongaro te tangata toi tu whenua;
As man disappears from sight, the land remains.

With Love, Maleika

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