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travelling through photography

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited - Transylvania: Life conquers Mountains

Romania | Friday, July 5, 2013 | 5 photos

About three years ago I spent the summer working so that I could afford my first camera. A few months later, the camera was already the extension of my hand, so when I traveled to Texas I always had it with me. During a concert my camera fell on the floor. It was then when I realized what I want to do in my life. Having spent endless nights working on an architectural project, not even once had I felt the same way about a project falling apart.And yet, there I was feeling devastated. Taking a picture was more than capturing the moment. It was a way of showing the uniqueness of life.

Everything around us can be so similar and so different. It depends on the aspect you are looking at them. Through my very eyes and through the lens of my camera I wish to show my own perspective about this world, share feelings and communicate with people around me using just images.

Since I haven’t received any proper training on photography I couldn’t be more excited about this amazing opportunity to be mentored by Jason Edwards. I really hope I can be a part of this team and share a common passion; project moments and aspects of this world to people and bring out their sincere feelings.

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