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Laurie and harri's Travels Hello! This is our diary for our travels, as we are both most likely to be drunk and/or sun bathing we may not write a lot and it may be hard to understand and very boring.. Laurie and Harri xxx

Gallery: Houseboat heaven

INDIA | Saturday, 6 Oct 2007 | Photo Gallery

Cruising the backwaters
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INDIA | Saturday, 6 Oct 2007 | Views [593] | Comments [2]

Hi Everyone, Since we last wrote anything we've travelled quite a long way. From Palolem to Gokarna and then to Kerela. Gokarna is a holy town and full of temples and religous sites. We actually stayed at Om beach where there aren't any temples but ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures


INDIA | Saturday, 22 Sep 2007 | Views [728] | Comments [3]

Hey Everyone, We've now been in India for 2 weeks now and hectic, hot and slightly insane seems to be a theme here. It's been the Ganesh festival for over a week and everyone gets very into it. It's like Christmas on acid with elephant headed statues ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

7 days in Mumbai

INDIA | Tuesday, 18 Sep 2007 | Views [629] | Comments [4]

Hi Everyone, We have just completed a crazy stay in Mumbai and have now moved done to the much more tranquil beaches of Goa, although as our luck would have it as we arrived at the beach we've got our first bout of bad weather. Mumbai was a great ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day 1

INDIA | Wednesday, 12 Sep 2007 | Views [386] | Comments [3]

Hi Everyone! We have arrived in Mumbai and as we expected it is very hot, sticky and chaotic. Our first hotel was not exactly the Ritz and we had to drive around Mumbai for about 2 hours tryng to find it. You see some crazy stuff on the streets at night from ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

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