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Journey into the Surreal

My Scholarship entry - Canadian Beauty

Canada | Thursday, October 23, 2014 | 3 photos

My name is Kyle Tiernan and im a 22 year old photographer from Alberta, Canada. I have been learning photography over the past 4 years and always love when there is an opportunity to learn more, especially when its through a scholarship like this one. I believe this would change my life and its something I could only dream about doing. The photos I have attached are of a pair of Red Tailed Hawks fighting over a female in Edmonton, Alberta. The other photo is of an Osprey having a stare-down with me in the Shuwswaps of British Columbia, and finally the last photo is of the beautiful blue Abraham Lake in Nordegg, Alberta. I hope you enjoy my photos and I am looking forward to the opportunities that await!

About kyletiernan

Tame little puffins engulf the Island of Skellig Michael.

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