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Practical Learning and determination

My Scholarship entry - Travel

The Month i turned 18 and finished College i Left the UK on my own to travel the World. I started off in Australia working on a variety of Farms branching off later to Thailand and Indonesia. It was in Java, Indonesia i experienced some incredible scenery and people that i had Photographed and Filmed on my Gopro. Just before heading back to Australia my GoPro was Stolen and all my images were lost.
Instead of being Angry i decided that i will save up later for a better camera and make a better video and pictures of somewhere else.
I later traveled to Fiji, Hawaii and then California, Where i bought a Canon 7D.
I took tonnes of pictures, moved onto now a 5D Mkiii where i am now shooting videos for big events in London and Photographing Weddings.
I studied Film At University for one year, but struggled with such a theory based course and i felt very depressed and had itchy feet to travel again.
I now Freelance as a Photographer and Filmmaker with my videos being shared to over 250,000 in Facebook and some of my Footage was showed on ITV, Radio 1 Newsbeat and Kiss.

I am now looking for an Internship that is very practical as it's the only way i learn... from doing.

About joshuacowan

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