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Tales of a Gypsy's Adventures

Gallery: Humpback Whales

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 5 Sep 2009 | Photo Gallery

Humpbacks off Fraser
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Australia Zoo

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 31 Aug 2009 | Views [879] | Comments [4]

A few weeks ago, I took a train from Brisbane then a bus to Beerwah, a little town several hours away.   It’s the home of the Australia Zoo, home of the Crocodile Hunter, which is Beerwah's biggest claim to fame.  The Zoo was expensive but well worth ... Read more >

Leaving Brisbane

AUSTRALIA | Monday, 31 Aug 2009 | Views [1025] | Comments [3]

I've been in Australia for a month now.  And while the first week was pretty hard, things have dramatically improved.  And I'm thoroughly enjoying myself here. From Guam, I flew into Brisbane and spent a couple days there before spending a weekend ... Read more >

Tags: hike, sunrise, work

Gallery: Fraser Island Camping

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 27 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

Largest Sand Island in the World
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Gallery: Noosa

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 27 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Crike!

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 27 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

Australia Zoo
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Australian Toilets

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 15 Aug 2009 | Views [454] | Comments [2]

Among the things I find interesting about this country, probably the toilet flushing system ranks the highest. Australia is a very green country.   As one walks about this city (Brisbane), there recycling programs, Save the Outback-type organizations, ... Read more >

Gallery: Byron Bay

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 13 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

Byron Bay
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Surfing and Whale Watching in Byron Bay

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 13 Aug 2009 | Views [562]

Tuesday, 11 August 2009 Last weekend I took surfing lessons in Byron Bay.   Phenomenal experience, for sure.   My instructor was a cool guy, of course, because no surfing instructor can be uncool.   There were 6 of us in the class and we had lessons ... Read more >

Tags: surfing, whales

Gallery: Guam

GUAM | Friday, 31 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Fishing off Guam

GUAM | Thursday, 30 Jul 2009 | Views [1032] | Comments [1]

I found myself laying face down on the tailgate of a pickup truck in the Agat Marina parking lot as an off duty corpsman poured vinegar onto the jelly sting on the back of my thigh.   I reflect on how I ended up in this particular position and come ... Read more >

Tags: boats, fishing, jellyfish, sunsets

Adventures in Corporate America

USA | Wednesday, 8 Jul 2009 | Views [484] | Comments [1]

After temping at Covidien for the last 8+ months, I've learned some vital "corporate" lessons.  The different sizes of file labels; which restuarants are the favorites for lunch deliveries; all things related to Microsoft Outlook; the cleaning, ... Read more >

Tags: work

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