Cambodian Lifestyle
Cambodia | Thursday, October 14, 2010 | 5 photos
Recently I was travelling on motorbike around Cambodia, we stayed at a small village, named Tbaeng Meanchey in Northern Cambodia not far from the border of Thialand, Loas & Cambodia.
I set out on foot early to have a look around the local area before breakfast to see what the locals got up too, and as it was the wet season the road out of the village was surrounded by still water that offered some great reflections of a farmers house, as I was capturing the moment a group of children appeared and showed great interest in what I was doing and my camera, as they gathered around I managed to snap a photo of them and they were amazed that I could show them immediately a picture of them.
I then left the kids and walked further down the road, I could hear the puttering of a motor in amongst the bamboo and shrubs and upon investigation found a fisherman returning from the morning trip, he had been out fishing and had caught several kilos of fish, I must admit I was surprised at not only the variety but the size of the individual fish, they were so small.
Nevertheless within minutes of the catch landing on the shore, the mans wife had sorted the fish, and set-up a shop on the edge of the swampy waters, open for business I thought.
Not long after I could see other fisherman sitting down repairing their nets, perhaps getting ready for the following days work.
All over Cambodia the people seem to all work together in a systematic way, all the family seems to get involved in what needs to be done to survive for yet another day.
I would like to be selected for this scholarship so that I may have the opportunity to learn from such a great photographer, I love to travel, I will commit my all and do what ever is required if I'm the lucky one selected, thanks for the opportunity, Jaime
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