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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

India | Friday, July 5, 2013 | flickr photos

my name is Martin, south american/european globetrotter.

For me photography is a tool to freeze time and tell a story. A tool to share information and emotions all over the world.

I love seeing new things. There is no better feeling in the world than arriving in a new harbor. To be confronted with new colors, smells, sounds, people and customs.
But as good as going is, returning is equally beautiful. You return richer. Your jewels are the stories in your head, the pictures on your camera.
You trigger the imagination and the lust for adventure of the people back home with your stories and pictures.But most importantly you broad their horizons with new ideas and ways of thinking. You teach them compassion and humility. You show them that not much is needed to be happy.

It is a privilege to be a travel photographer. But as such a privileged person you also have a duty.
To inform those left behind. The more people see that everyone is the same, the less fear exists. Less fear means more understanding and eventually more peace.

I would love to take this responsibility. Please take me to this journey, to train my skills, to see with my own eyes and to tell the story to the world.

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