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Polish Hill

Ageless Madonna:
Being welcomed into a stranger's home was not on my mind when I began documenting the neighborhood. Donna's partner George found me wandering the streets and invited me over their backyard to photograph his pet fish. An invitation that I would have politely declined on any other day, I accepted and found myself entering their house from the backyard-- to discover the hidden treasure of a wise woman's life experiences over a cold beer.

USA | Monday, 14 January 2013 | Views [296] | View Smaller Image

Ageless Madonna: Being welcomed into a stranger's home was not on my mind when I began documenting the neighborhood. Donna's partner George found me wandering the streets and invited me over their backyard to photograph his pet fish. An invitation that I would have politely declined on any other day, I accepted and found myself entering their house from the backyard-- to discover the hidden treasure of a wise woman's life experiences over a cold beer.

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