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El Viajero Tranquilo A spattering and a sputtering, a roar and a growl from the depths of the heart to the tips of the fingers, it hops onto the keys and into... Eternity.

Photos: Salto Cristal

PARAGUAY | Saturday, 23 May 2015 | Photo Gallery

A magical adventure.
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Salto Cristal

PARAGUAY | Saturday, 23 May 2015 | Views [273] | Scholarship Entry

The journey is a rush, a wait, a dream and an awakening, all punctuated with an underlying question; Are we even on the right bus? Thus begins our experience of the road to Salto Cristal waterfalls. Cloaked by hills of green grass and anchored in red ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

Photos: Profile Pictures

SOUTH AFRICA | Tuesday, 14 Apr 2015 | Photo Gallery

All photos are my own.
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Tags: cape town, south africa, surfing, travelling, writing

Ask and Ye Shall Receive.

PARAGUAY | Monday, 12 May 2014 | Views [221] | Scholarship Entry

The sound of rapid fire volleys from some kind of semi automatic rifle not far away comes crackling through the moist and humid air. Contrasted with a grindy Sean Hayes track, base and deep trumpets layered with high pitched humming... Or is it contrasted? ... Read more >

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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