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My Scholarship entry - Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka | Sunday, November 9, 2014 | flickr photos

The explorer inside of me calls out for adventure. This opportunity brings together many things that I love about life and photography.

Photojournalism: When I take a picture, I am looking to convey the story behind it. I have found that, for me, the story has the same significance as the image I capture. This image of a farmer i captured is a good example, https://www.flickr.com/photos/cj_miester/sets/72157649196516845/.

Inspiration: I look to be inspired. I have created a list places that I would like to photograph one day. Places like Meghalaya, where people have been growing bridges to counteract the wet climate. I dream about capturing the light, the life, the flora, the fauna and the feelings of the people one day. The story of a society that puts future generations wellbeing first is a story worth telling.

I aspire to capture images that can make people helplessly gander; forget about things in and around them and ponder.

I hope this opportunity will help to educate the public about the expanding human impact on earth. I would cherish such and opportunity.

Fitness: A good dose of fitness is also key. I swim 3-4 times a week and practice yoga 6 times a week.

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