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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Vietnam | Tuesday, July 2, 2013 | 5 photos

I am a Film student at Curtin University, WA. This year both Curtin and my love of volunteering allowed me to travel to Malaysia on a research trip. Where I produced a short documentary film, to present with our research findings from the remote villages in the Borneo Jungle. Curtin has become very interested to use this as promotional material to present the Asia Bound project to future students. Through this trip my eyes were opened. Yes I had travelled before, yes I had filmed and photographed trips abroad before. But never had I had the opportunity to change peoples ways of thinking as I volunteered for an excellent cause overseas through my love of film. This is what I want to do in the future. Present amazing countries, cultures and causes to change people's perception of the world in a positive way! As an amateur photographer I know that I would benefit from this mentoring experience. I would also be interested in continuing my travel filming as these two passions co-exist. Travel teaches us to grow, and the ability to experience this in a photograph or video truly moves people. I would love the opportunity to be guided by an industry professional as I pursue my career.

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