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Romanian roots, visiting "Tanti Joana" y name is Bettina Theuerkauf, I am a 23 year old student, studying Media Technology in Germany. It was due to my courses that I bought my first camera only a few years ago and since than I stuck with the subject. I always knew that I could not work primar

House 326, Nucetu, Romania. Nucetu is a small village on the Romanian countryside. The majority of its young and able to work inhabitants left their village in search for a better future. Left behind are the old people who didn’t want to leave their home or didn’t have the chance to, visited only seldom by their relatives in order to bring them food and other things needed. (Nucetu, Romania Sept. 11, 2011)

ROMANIA | Thursday, 10 January 2013 | Views [710] | View Smaller Image

House 326, Nucetu, Romania. Nucetu is a small village on the Romanian countryside. The majority of its young and able to work inhabitants left their village in search for a better future. Left behind are the old people who didn’t want to leave their home or didn’t have the chance to, visited only seldom by their relatives in order to bring them food and other things needed. (Nucetu, Romania Sept. 11, 2011)

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