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Through Different Lens

In the midst of busy Granville Street, twirling and manipulating a golden sphere, is a street performer named Dawn. Though she appears peaceful, this image was preceded by a series of twist and turns manipulating the sphere in such a way that it revolves around her body then alas,  the spiral ends. It is a micro-cosmic reflection of the wider world and the universe. An example of action and reaction, and that as the juggler controls the sphere, we can control our destiny.

CANADA | Monday, 14 January 2013 | Views [216] | View Smaller Image

In the midst of busy Granville Street, twirling and manipulating a golden sphere, is a street performer named Dawn. Though she appears peaceful, this image was preceded by a series of twist and turns manipulating the sphere in such a way that it revolves around her body then alas, the spiral ends. It is a micro-cosmic reflection of the wider world and the universe. An example of action and reaction, and that as the juggler controls the sphere, we can control our destiny.


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