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yesjorn scholarship application 2010.

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Worldwide | Wednesday, October 13, 2010 | flickr photos

Going up the Annapurna trek, people saw nothing but clouds and rain for four days. The descending people told stories of not seeing a mountain peak at all and no-one had for the previous two weeks. I captured the euphoria people felt when early morning the clouds moved out and the mighty Annapurna's came in to view.

I am a self-made man. I gave up my job in order to pursue my dream. Travel, take pictures and tell stories. The world is a great learning school and has many hidden stories to be told. Curious as I am I try to dig in to them as much as my resources allow. I have been doing this for a year now and I love it. However, because of money issues, language barriers and failing equipment I feel that mostly I just skim the surface of what could be an awesome story. This scholarship would be the ultimate lesson. A chance to finally get the fullest out of a story and get a glimpse of the world of professional storytelling. And afterward hopefully become a part of it...

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