ALGERIA | Thursday, 13 Mar 2014 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry
Ingredients For the dough: - Two cups of semolina flour - One cup of wheat flour - A large pinch of salt - Lots of olive oil - Water For the filling: - 500 grams of beef mince - A large onion - Coriander - Parsley - A tablespoon of olive oil - One ...
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Tags: passport & plate: italy 2014
ALGERIA | Tuesday, 26 Feb 2013 | Views [445] | Scholarship Entry
“I remember exactly where I was” she said. Her manicured fingers grip the golden curlicued tea glass loosely. Her immaculate tinted hair, Paris fashions and liberal education seem to belie the uneven, whitewashed walls and coarse floor cushions on which ... Read more >
Tags: Travel Writing Scholarship 2013