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Pescadores del Malecón Chorrillos

My Scholarship entry - Pescadores

Peru | Monday, November 24, 2014 | 5 photos

For over 10 years I wanted to study photography…at that time I didn’t have the courage to keep my dream and finished studying law career that I liked and at that moment and I thought it was best for me. In August 2014, I was able to enroll in my first photography workshop: "Workshop on Digital Photography 1" at the” Centro de la Imagen” in Lima - Peru and I realized that 10 years later I still feel the same excitement and the same desire to learn… why I should be chosen? Because I want to learn and have the opportunity to improve and devote the rest of my life to tell stories. This scholarship has a special meaning to me by carried out in Peru...my country ... I can`t think of a better scenario to start telling stories.

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