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The Daydream

About inpantano

            I was born in 1976 in Mediterranean country, so my infatuation with Africa may sound strange. For this I blame Freddie Mercury and my parents. From early age I have been listening their stories about Bushmen and Pygmies, Mount Kilimanjaro and Sahara. I listened and dreamt that one day my travel stories and photos which I vividly imagined would be a part of someone else’s lives.

            My job doesn’t allow me to be as creative and adventurous as I want to be. So, to follow my heart I became part-time photographer. And by that I mean that I always have my backpack with binocular, swiss knife, bottle of water and sleeping bag with me. Sometimes I am on a road for days, meeting new people and discovering unknown cultures. I have been on hydroplane, speedboats, on mountains, rivers and sea. I have even been a lightning catcher! Photography is so much more for me than a hobby; it is my passion and a way of living.

            I always believed in wiseman’s words: “The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it”, so I enjoy in every stage of photography, I even love just to wait and observe… When I make mistake I accept it because mistake makes me a better person.

            My world revolves around the game of light and shadow and to visit Africa and to go on field with professional crew of NG would be not just a professional challenge but personal fulfilment. I have my “Box of Dreams” and no one can steal it from me; I am already privileged to be a part of our irreplaceable planet and to show to the world “the stories captured in frame” in Africa would be The Daydream.