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MyItchyFeetAreBringingMeTo... My adventures in the Americas and beyond!

About charline_thomasson

As many others have done before me and will do after me I am taking a few months off and going travelling in some parts of the world. The whole wild world is far too big to call it a "round the world trip".

My adventures will concentrate mainly in the Americas (North/Central/South) in only a few of the many countries but long enough to experience these chosen countries more in depth.

As a teenager my mom would tell me how much of a Sagittarius I am, whilst I would be pestering her about not talking to me about Astrology... Well whether I like it or not I do have this specifity of the sign. My feet are extremely itchy and it seems that working in the travel industry and being on business trip to different countries almost each month was not enough or at least for now.

I moved to London 5 years ago and I think the cosmopolitan atmosphere as helped me being a bit more curious about everything in general. My job and consequently the people I have met have contributed to my passion of travelling developing stronger and stronger.

So enough said about me, except that my little blond self is both extra excited and completely scared of making this giant step over the Atlantic and beyond as I have planned to reach Australia before the end of the year to hopefully revigorate my bank account a little and choose whether to carry on travellign a little of come back or stay if this is what should happen.

I am wirting this blog for my family and friends from Lyon, London and anywehre in the world as I want to try to stay as close to you as possible whilst I am physically so far away. Thank you for your patience because having itchy feet also means that it becomes harder to keep in touch with time and I estimate your friendship more than anything in the world!!

I hope you will enjoy :) and sorry for my French friends who will have to develop better skills in English as I will mostly be posting in English!


My Travel Map: